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At first she seemed to me so correct, obedient and shy that I didn't like her, but when we began to communicate closer I understood I was mistaken. I think it makes craigslist tulsa ok dating sense to say that when we returned home we were loyal friends. Today she has changed a lot but we are craigslist tulsa ok dating still best friends and now I think Natasha is a very charming and pretty seventeen-year-old girl. She isn't tall and dating ultrasound nz I can't even say that craigslist tulsa ok dating she is of average height but she is always smart and elegant. Natasha has an attractive face craigslist tulsa ok dating which is broaden with open and frank features. She is the owner craigslist tulsa ok dating of a blunt nose, large expressive green eyes and radiant smile that immediately makes people smile in return. Her blond hair and sort dating ok craigslist tulsa voice make her similar to a little beautiful princess from a fairy-tale. Natasha hates skirts and formal blouses, but adores tight-fitting trousers and casual T-shirts. She prefers low-heeled shoes to high-heeled, because they are more comfortable to her mind.
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